Save Online Streaming Videos

Do you want to save an online streaming video that you watch frequently so that you don’t have to be online every time you view it? Although most platforms don’t have an option to ‘save’ videos, you can still save pretty much any video that you want using several different ways.

While there are many options that you could look at to save online streaming videos, the three that are the most effective are:

  • Video ‘downloader’ services on websites

It shouldn’t be difficult to locate websites that let you download and save online streaming videos. In most cases all you’ll need to do is copy and paste the URL of the video as prompted on the website, and it will process it then provide you with a link to download the video.

Overall this option is most effective for popular online streaming platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, or Vimeo. It may not be possible to save videos from individual websites or within apps, and tends to have limitations on the video duration and quality.

  • Browser extensions that detect videos

While there are various types of browser extensions to save online streaming videos, the best tend to be those that can detect videos on websites and find their source. Because you’ll download Flash video from website you shouldn’t have any limitations on the quality or duration – but sometimes the source may be masked, especially on embedded videos.

Finding a capable browser extension can be tricky, and you may have to try a few before you find one that effectively fits your requirements. Many extensions are based off the website services described above as well.

  • Screen recording software

Instead of ‘downloading’ online streaming videos, screen recording software will let you record it directly from your screen then save it. As such it has no limitations to speak of in terms of duration, quality, or the types of videos it can save.

That being said screen recording is more time-consuming since it will need to record the video as it is playing. For example a 30 minute video will take 30 minutes to record. Having a software with a timer to automate the recording can help make it more convenient, for example Movavi Screen Recorder.

At the end of the day each of these options has its own advantages and disadvantages. If you want a way to be able to effectively save any online streaming video from any platform or app however – screen recording is your best bet. On the other hand if you’d prefer a more convenient and faster way to get the job done then you could look into the other two options.