Sunday, Jan 19th 25

SC19 Supercomputing Conference

SC19 Supercomputing Conference

Sep 17-22, 2019 - Denver, Colorado

Created each year for the conference, SCinet is a global collaboration of high-performance networking experts who provide the fastest and most powerful volunteer-built network in the world for the SC Conference.

For nearly 30 years, SCinet has provided SC attendees and the HPC community with the innovative network platform necessary to connect, transport, and display HPC research at SC from around the world. In addition to high-performance demos, SCinet supports wired and wireless connections for users to maintain connectivity to the rest of the world.

SCinet takes a year to plan, a month to build, a week to operate, and a day to tear down.
Volunteers from academia, government, and industry work together to design and deliver the SCinet infrastructure. Industry contributors donate millions of dollars in equipment and services needed to build and support the local and wide area networks.

SCinet by the numbers at SC18
More than 180 volunteers representing 18 countries and spanning 79 organizations planned, built, and operated SCinet
31 contributors provided $66 million in state-of-the-art hardware, software, and services
23 versions of the SCinet architecture drafted
60 miles of fiber optic cable installed
3.63 terabits per second of wide area network capacity delivered to the SC Exhibits
1.2 terabits per second of peak network traffic planned for

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