
Sept 04, 2012–New York,USA (Techreleased) – New developer Dot Product announce their first project, Wildfire. Dot Product is a collection of the greatest minds in video games. People responsible for games so cool you cant possibly have heard of them. Basically… 3 grim old blokes who dig video games and anarchy + some younger more energetic types to make us look good.

What is Wildfire? Quite frankly, we don’t know yet. All we know is we have a deep seated desire to ruin the civilised world. After many long minutes of discussion, we concluded that attempting to destroy the civilized world for real would probably get us in a bit of trouble with the authorities. So, the next best thing is to create our own world. One as cute and charming as possible. Because lets face it, tormenting cute stuff is way more satisfying.

What Is WildfireWorlds? This website will be our hub. We will be collecting ideas from the greatest minds in the universe, ( anybody who can type ) putting them into our Magic Love Cauldron™ and seeing what we end up with. Hopefully lots of carnage.