Interjet A320neo
Interjet A320neo
Interjet A320neo
Interjet A320neo

Nov 13, 2012– Blagnac, France  (Techreleased) – Mexican low-cost carrier and all-Airbus operator Interjet signed a purchase agreement for 40 A320neo aircraft. Interjet will announce the aircraft’s engine selection at a later date. The A320neo has over 95 percent airframe commonality making it an easy fit for Interjet’s fleet of 36 A320s. Later this month, Interjet will receive an additional A320 aircraft.

In only seven years of operations, Interjet has become a leading domestic airline in Mexico, having quickly expanded their network throughout the country and into the United States, Central America and the Caribbean. The new A320neo will support their continued network expansion and fleet renewal plans. Interjet has a backlog of 45 A320 Family aircraft, including today’s order.

“Adding the newest aircraft technology to our already young and efficient A320 fleet will allow us to operate some of the most cost-efficient and environmentally-friendly equipment available in aviation,” said Interjet Chairman Miguel Aleman Velasco.

“The A320neo will help Interjet maintain our leading position in Mexico’s airline business,” said Interjet President Miguel Alemán Magnani.

“This order solidifies an already strong partnership with one of Mexico’s leading airlines. It also reinforces Latin America’s growing trend of operating some of the world’s youngest and most efficient aircraft,” said John Leahy, Chief Operating Officer, Customers. “Interjet will be one of the first airlines in the region to operate the A320neo and to benefit from the 15 percent reduction in fuel burn it delivers.”

To date, more than 8,600 Airbus A320 Family aircraft have been sold and more than 5,300 delivered to more than 350 customers and operators worldwide, making it the world’s best selling commercial jetliner ever. With proven reliability and extended servicing periods, the A320 Family has the lowest operating costs of any single-aisle aircraft. The A320neo, with almost 1,500 firm orders from more than 30 customers since its launch, is the fastest selling commercial aircraft ever and is on track to enter service from 2015.

With more than 700 aircraft sold and a backlog of almost 350, over 450 Airbus aircraft operate throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. In the last 10 years, Airbus has tripled its in-service fleet, while delivering more than 60 percent of all aircraft operating in the region.